Leetcode 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST
Given a binary search tree, write a function kthSmallest to find the kth smallest element in it. 求一个二叉搜索树的第k小值。 题目链接:htt...
Given a binary search tree, write a function kthSmallest to find the kth smallest element in it. 求一个二叉搜索树的第k小值。 题目链接:htt...
Write a program to find the nth super ugly number. Super ugly numbers are positive numbers whose all prime factors are i...
Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai). n vertical lines are...
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. 原题链接:Longest Substring Without Re...
这次我们来谈谈python中的函数,首先说一点,这里的函数和数学中的函数完全没有任何关系。在数学中,函数可能代表这一个数学公式,哎呀! 想想就头疼,但在程序猿的世界,函数就是实现某个功能的一段代码,比起for循环、if判断来说好理解多了...