

1195 Mobile phones 树状数组                                                 

1455 Crazy tea party                                                              

1521 Entropy huffman                                                               题解

1703 Find them, Catch them 并查集

1785 Binary Search Heap Construction

1794 Castle Walls 逆序对

1961 Period KMP重复因子                                                        题解

1984* Navigation Nightmare 并查集+坐标平移

1986* Distance Queries LCA

1988* Cube Stacking 并查集应用

1990* MooFest 线段树

2010* Moo University - Financial Aid 最大堆-最小堆

2182 Lost Cows 线段树                                                              题解

2183 Bovine Math Geniuses hash

2188 Cow Laundry 逆序对

2227 The Wedding Juicer 堆+floodfill

2236 Wireless Network 并查集

2266* Quadtree 递归构造四叉树

2269* Friends 表达式

2270 Quadtree II or: Florida Jones strikes back 将2266反之

2299 Ultra-QuickSort 归并排序

2352 Stars 树状数组                                                                   题解

2395 Out of Hay 并查集

2482 Stars in Your Window 静态2叉树

2513 Colored Sticks 并查集

2524 Ubiquitous Religions 并查集

2528 Mayor's posters 线段树

2567 Code the Tree

2750* Potted Flower 线段树

2777 Count Color 线段树

2796 Feel Good RMQ

2823 Sliding Window 堆或双端队列

2828 Buy Tickets 线段树

2886* Who Gets the Most Candies? 线段树

2892* Tunnel Warfare 树状数组

3214* Heap 后序遍历,每个节点减去相应sub保证属性,然后对遍历结果求最长不下降序列

3253 Fence Repair huffman

3263 Tallest Cow 线段树

3274* Gold Balanced Lineup hash

3277 City Horizon 线段树

3320 Jessica's Reading Problem 队列操作或最小堆

3321* Apple Tree 树状数组

3332 Parsing Real Numbers DFA

3344 Chessboard Dance 队列模拟

3349 Snowflake Snow Snowflakes hash(or 暴力)

3437 Tree Grafting dfs树构造

3461 Oulipo KMP

3468 A Simple Problem with Integers 线段树区间更新,懒操作          

3631 Cuckoo Hashing 并查集

3667 Hotel 线段树

3690 Constellations trie匹配

3695 Rectangles 矩阵切割


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